Easy Grill Cleaning

When asking our customers

… what will make you barbeque more often, the answer is – easier cleaning.

Our QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner makes cleaning your grill a breeze. It fits on almost every grill grid (round and rectangular). The only thing you need to do is fill the tub with lukewarm water, add the QuickGlow soap and place the grill rack in the tub. Leave the grill to soak overnight for a better result. Then simply remove the dirt and grease with a brush or sponge. The dirt from the barbecue grill is now no longer on the lawn or the tiles. The result is a clean barbecue grill without burnt residue and bacteria.   


QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner

The Easy Grill Cleaner does the job for you! A simple and easy way to remove grease and dirt. Simply fill the tub with lukewarm water, add e.g. Easy Grill Cleaner Soap and place the grill rack in the mixture. You can also clean your brushes and other grilling accessories in Easy Grill Cleaner. It has never been so easy!!

QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner Soap

Pour QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner Soap in lukewarm water and let the cooking grate and the grill brush soak. Water over 60 C will destroy the enzymes in the soap and decrease the effect after 30 minutes approx. Let the cooking grate soak over the night for a better result. Suitable to use together with Quick Glow Easy Grill Cleaner.


QuickGlow Grill Brush

QuickGlow Grill brush effectively removes stocked left-over on the cooking grate from yesterday’s barbecuing. A clean cooking grate is a better barbecue experience. Always use the brush before you put the food on the cooking grate. This triangle brush can be used for an easy-going and convenient experience.

Tip. Use 1-2 minutes to clean the cooking grate with the brush while it’s still hot to avoid sticky left-over.


QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner Foam

QuickGlow Easy Grill Cleaner Foam effectively removes dirt, grease and stocked left-over from yesterday’s barbequing. The foam is especially suitable for those parts of the grill that are difficult to reach and remove with the usual cleaning products.


Quick Glow Easy Grill Cleaner Sponges

This Quick Glow Easy Grill Cleaner Sponge effectively removes stocked dirt and grease on the cooking grate from yesterday’s barbequing. The rough side of the sponge is eminently suited for cleaning the cooking grate, while the opposite side is soft and good for cleaning the rest of the grill – inside and outside. Avoid using the sponge on abrasive or enamelled surfaces